Sci-Fi Channel: SandScript

Welcome to SandScript: The Play

Contributors were given the option of submitting text as stage direction, setting or the voice of one of these characters.
Act I, scene 1 - In which the Berkes find themselves in creepy Koenig manor, and meet some of its unusual inhabitants.

Setting: The curtains open on the interior of a grand, gothic mansion. Upstage right are two heavy wooden double doors, presumably leading to the outside world. Upstage left are the lower dozen or so steps of what is obviously an impressive stairway to the upper floors. Downstage right is an old stone fireplace, seemingly large enough to roast a very big hog, or a medium-sized person. All around the stage are littered the detritus of what may once have been a fine collection of bric-a-brac - bizarre portraits of forgotten ancestors, old suits of armor, the stray book or two - but all is now merely cobweb-covered junk. As for the rest - who knows what trap doors, secret passages and misplaced old cable remotes are secreted away in this somewhat unsettling front room.

The light in the room is dim, as scattered candles provide the only source of light. Mysteriously, with no one in sight, the fireplace lights itself (!), As if expecting company...

	Suddenly, there is a pounding on the door!

	Douglas Berke:	hello? Is anyone in there?

	Robin Berke:	just open the door, Douglas!  I'm getting

	Douglas:        look, "dear," it's locked, and I'm not about to get
	                thrown in jail for breaking and entering.  That's just
	                what you'd like, isn't it!

	Robin:          get out of the way, let me!  You never could do
	                anything right!

	With a crash, the door bursts open, and in flies a dripping wet Robin
       Berke, followed by a somewhat tentative Douglas Berke.

ROBIN:       Oh #*%$#()#@, Were not in Kansas anymore Toto !!!!!

DOUGLAS:     This palce look just like the (smirking) "fancy" art work  
             you do for those trashy novels. (as he turns and shuts the  

ROBIN:       (Looking annoyed, but restraining herself) I don't like it
             any  more than you like that sweet surup you sell as
             refreshment,  and frankly, Douglas, I think that was uncalled

      A loud thudding sound is heard, and the door is covered by a
       large sliding panel.  Douglas runs to the door, but finds

DOUGLAS: It looks like we're not the only ones here. (Moving to window, but finding it blocked by iron bars) It looks like you have broken into a trap. ROBIN: (Defiant) Look, Mister, I didn't ask to come on this trip. I didn't forget to check the inflation of the spare tire, and I didn't drive the car into a ditch. Don't go blaming me for this. DOUGLAS: (Almost shouting) Well, I certainly didn't -- Douglas is interrupted by a sharp cracking sound, and what appeared moments before to be a solid wall now sports a well defined door. A sign appears above the door, but it doesn't

ROBIN: It looks to me as if our "host" is trying to lead us somewhere. I don't know about you, but I'm NOT going to try that door. This place reminds me of the contents of the worst of my client's books. DOUGLAS: I can't argue with that. I'm going to sit in front of the fire and attempt to dry my clothes. (aside) I wonder if this place has a bathroom? DR. RUEHL: (Muffled, distant) It's down the hall -- third door on the right. DOUGLAS: (Wheels around to face Robin) No need to make a joke about m predicament. It doesn't help matters at all. ROBIN: What are you talking about? You were muttering to yourself. I didn't say anything at all. I think this place has you rattled. Don't blame me for you crazy imagination. During the course of the following exchange, a bookcase slowly moves to one side revealing a dimly lit hallway with a staircase leading both up and down at the end of it.

DOUGLAS: My imagination? You keep telling me I have no imagination! Dr. Ruehl, his white hair jolting outward from his head as if he had been shocked, comes up the stairs. He comes up

DR. RUEHL: I was sure that the disequilibration was not too severe. He had always been able to accomodate and assimilate new information into his present constructs...what, yes I said he is here, didn't you understand me? If you wait too long he will revert to his basic autogenic form...I ROBIN: Wait a minute. What's that???? DR. RUEHL: What are you people doing here? And would you mind making a small donation to a scientific cause? DOUGLAS: I'm terribly sorry for intruding. My name is Douglas Berke, and this is my wife Robin. We had a blow out just up the road from this place. We thought the place was deserted. DOUGLAS: I'm terribly sorry for intruding. My name is Douglas Berke, and this is my wife Robin. We had a blow out just up the road from this place. We thought the place was deserted. Douglas attempts to greet Dr. Ruehl with a handshake, but Ruehl (seeing Robin for the first time) brushes Douglas aside and rushes over to Robin. Ruehl is staring wildly a

DR. RUEHL: (to ROBIN) It's YOU! (he stands agape) ROBIN: (to DR. RUEHL) What do you mean? Do I know you? Have we met before? (she backs up slowly to get DOUGLAS between her and the drooling DR. RUEHL) DR RUEHL, never taking his eyes off of ROBIN's face, stumbles over to the displaced bookcase and grabs a book, seemingly at random, from the middle shelf. All the other books on the shelf fall out on to the floor. They are all trashy

romance novels with gaudy colored covers, and titles like "The Demon Inside Her Latin Lover", and "Love In The Minefield". Each cover illustration features a woman with at least one shoulder and one leg exposed being swept into th

the arms of a shirtless man. He shows her the book and

DR. RUEHL: (pointing to the face of the woman in the cover illustration of the book he is holding) It's YOU! I've loved you ever since you first came into my life on the cover of "The Demon Lover Alchemist!" The DIRECTOR walks over to the teleprompter and gives it a swift kick. Sentance fragments and stray letters fall all over the floor, and are lost in the mess. He walks back out of sight muttering something unintelligable. He is not a

DR. RUEHL: (trying not to notice the DIRECTOR) You must be here in response to my invitation! I was afraid the publisher wouldn't forward it to you. The PR department claimed that you were fictional! DOUGLAS: (stepping forward, and almost tripping on the scattering of stray sentance fragments on the floor) Let me see that. (looks at the book cover) Robin, this isn't one of your covers -- but the woman in the illustration is defintely you ROBIN: I find that hard to believe -- what's the title? DOUGLAS: (taking the book from DR. RUEHL) "The Knights Templar Stole My Heart" (opens the book) HAH! Listen to this drivel (reads) "Outside, the sky was the color of Television, tuned to a dead channel. Not that I knew that..." (closes the book and returns it to DR. RUEHL) What utter TRIPE! DR. RUEHL: (obviously insulted) Eh-hem. (to ROBIN) Although I know who you are, I don't know your name. And who is this (points at DOUGLASS with his thumb and contempt in his voice) jerk? (softens) Oh my, I am forgetting my manners. Here, let me offer you a seat and something dry to put on. (This is addressed soley to ROBIN.) DOUGLAS is not oblivious to the slight, and is irritated by DR. RUEHL's attentions to his wife. ROBIN is not sure what to make of the white haired man, and nervously tries to keep a bit of distance between herself and DR. RUEHL. A screeching sound, muffled, comes from off stage. DR. RUEHL

DR. RUEHL hardly notices, but the other two are startled. The PLAYWRITE, an androgenous figure whose appearance changes continuously, sneaks on to the stage and tries to collect the letters and sentance fragments without interrupting the characters. ROBIN and DOUGLAS pretend to ignore him. DR. RUEHL glares at him. The PLAYWRITE runs off stage and trip

DOUGLAS: hello sir, wheres the cake? ROBIN: I'm not sure where the cake is, but the strawberries are still lying beside your bed. ROBIN: Why it's Rod Serling. Hello. How are you?? DOUGLAS: Robin, you must be having one of your delusions again. Why did you stop taking the medication? ROBIN: I found that a shot of clorox worked just as well. The DIRECTOR and PLAYWRITE tumble across the stage in what appears to be a fight to the death. A worried looking STAGE MANAGER appears and quickly hands script revisions to the characters, then dissapears. The characters look at their scripts for a few moments, confer amongst themselves, then resume their previous positions. An anguished scream is heard from off stage.

ROBIN: (reading from her script, to DR. RUEHL) Who are you, and why have you trapped us here? DOUGLAS: (reading from script flatly) I am Dr. Mortimer Ruehl, but my freinds call me (stops, exchanges scripts with DR. RUEHL) DR. RUEHL: (reading from script) I am Dr. Mortimer Ruehl, but my friend call me Morty. I HATE being called Morty, so I don't have many friends. You can call me Mort. As for your other question, I've not trapped you here. This old house plays tricks of its own -- I have no control over it. There is an awkward silence for a few moments. ROBIN kicks DOUGLAS and he looks up from his script, he's been reading ahead.

DOUGLAS: (Finding his place) And you think we're going to believe that? This house may be strange and old, but it is not alive! DR. RUEHL: (a bit dismayed, DOUGLAS skipped some dialog, he tries to recover) Oh, but it really has a mind of its own. Who are we to define life? This house has its moods, and right now it is irritable. (pauses) I would be careful what you say about Koenig manor -- it takes offense easily. (Satisfied that he has brought all the skipped information from the dialog, he continues) Please, heed my warning for you own sake! DOUGLAS: Everybody Dies!!!! Douglass turns and pulls the "Ultimate Nullifier" out of his pocket and destroys the whole universe in a split second.

The Director zips out of the wings, yanks the ULTIMATE NULLIFIER out of Douglas' hands and slaps him three or four times. After a brief, unprintible comment to the characters, he stalks off, muttering to himself and kissing his career goodbye.

As the lighet dim, you see the stage crew, ROBIN, and DR. RUEHL closing in on a defiant looking DOUGLAS. Once the stage is pitch dark, a loud THUD followed by the sound of a body falling to the floor is heard.

Setting: Act I, Scene 2 - In which the new, improved Berkes find themselves in creepy Koenig manor, and meet some of its unusual inhabitants.

Setting: Setting: The lights come up on the interior of a grand, gothic mansion. Upstage right are two heavy wooden double doors, presumably leading to the outside world. Upstage left are the lower dozen or so steps of what is obviously an impressive stairway to the upper floors. Downstage right is an old stone fireplace, seemingly large enough to roast a very big hog, or a medium-sized person. All around the stage are littered the detritus of what may once have been a fine collection of bric-a-brac - bizarre portraits of forgotten ancestors, old suits of armor, the stray book or two - but all is now merely cobweb-covered junk. One of the suits of armor contains the unconscious body of the former DOUGLAS BERKE.

The light in the room is dim, as scattered candles provide the only source of light. Mysteriously, with no one in sight the fireplace lights itself (!), As if expecting company..

Suddenly, there is a pounding on the door!

DOUGLAS: (muffled, clearly a different voice than before) Hello? Is anyone in there? ROBIN: Just open the door, Douglas! I'm getting soaked! DOUGLAS: look, "dear," it's locked, and I'm not about to get thrown in jail for breaking and entering. That's just what you'd like, isn't it! ROBIN: get out of the way, let me! You never could do anything right! With a crash, the door bursts open, and in flies a dripping wet Robin Berke, followed by a somewhat tentative Douglas Berke, now looking amazingly like the former DIRECTOR from scene 1.

ROBIN: (Loud and with contempt) HAH! The door wasn't even locked! You are almost as weak in body as you are in mind and spirit! (noticing the roaring fire, in a stage whisper) Douglas, I don't think this place is as abandoned as we thought. DOUGLAS: (a pained expression on his face, ROBIN's jibe hurt far more than he would be willing to admit) What do you mean "we"? I never thought the place was abandoned. I think we should go back out, rain or no rain, and keep walking. It's not as if we can get any wetter. I'd rather not meet the occupant of this creepy place. It reminds me of the places in that "trash" you illustrate. Not waiting for ROBIN to reply, DOUGLAS turns toward the still open door and takes a step. The door slams shut and the fireplace flares. In the fireplace can be seen a burning pile of what appear to be scripts. DOUGLAS turns back to face ROBIN, clearly shaken.

ROBIN: (trying to be comforting, and to hide her own insecurity) The wind closed the door. See how the fire flared? All the same, you may be right about this place. (aside) there's always a first time. DOUGLAS: (Muttering to himself) I heard that. (goes to the door, and finds that it is locked solid. He can't even rattle it in the frame or turn the door knob.) It's locked! (ROBIN looks incredulous) Well, at least it's jammed, and I can't open it. (sharply) Some nice trap you've broken us into! ROBIN: (supressing her anger, but not very well) I've gotten us into? (her voice gradually raises in volume and pitch for the following) Look, mister, I wasn't the one who decided to take a shortcut based on a tourist attractions map. It wasn't me who refused to stop and ask directions when we were obviously lost. I didn't forget to put the spare tire back in the trunk. I didn't drive us into the curb and blow a tire, and you are the one who refuses to get a Cellular phone put in the car! All I did was try to find us some shelter from this storm. (shouting) Don't blame this on me! DOUGLAS: (so angry, he forgets that he's scared half to death. each "I" and "You" is punctuated with accusation) You can't blam this on me! I didn't want to go to your cousins wedding. If you hadn't been nagging me, I wouldn't have missed the turn and hit the curb. If you hadn't flattened the old tire, the spare would have still been in the trunk. And it's because of your appointment in the morning that we didn't stop at a motel for the night when the weather got nasty. Silently, DR. MORTIMER RUEHL enters from behind the staircase. He is having a bad hair day. For him, this is saying alot, since on his best days, his hair is wild. It would be gray, except that it appears to have been dyed various florecsent colors. He is wearing a dirty lab coat stained with bright red paint. He watches the proceeding with some amusement.

ROBIN: The weather isn't the only thing that's gotten nasty! What' eating you, anyway? DOUGLAS: Me? I'm nasty? Listen to yourself, will you? I'm locked in a strange house. I'm soaking wet. I'm tired. I have to go to the bathroom so badly, my teeth itch. Maybe I'm a bit irritable, but nasty? ROBIN: (trying to be reasonable) I'm not just talking about now. For the last few weeks, you've been almost silent. You just keep glaring at me. You can't tell me that you've not relieved yourself in all that time. If you'd calm down for a few moments, we might be able to find either another way out of this place, or at least a bathroom. I still think that something has been eating at you, and if you will not tell me what it is, I'm not going to spend another night with you. And don't tell me that it's just a mid-life crisis, or some other cliche. DR. RUEHL: (calmly and without guile) Excuse me -- ROBIN and DOUGLAS were oblivious to DR. RUEHL's presence and are now quite startled by his interruption. To them, it's as if he just appeared out of nowhere. Reflexively, DOUGLAS grabs ROBIN and puts himself between her and DR. RUEHL

DR. RUEHL: (continuing without missing a beat) I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, but perhaps I can help. The bathroom is -- DOUGLAS: (interrupting) Who are you? Where did you come from? Why have you trapped us in your house? ROBIN: (also interrupting at the same time as DOUGLAS delivers his line) Huh? Where did you come from? What do you want? DR. RUEHL: (still calm) Not all at once, and all in good time. (ominously) My time! (calm and steady again) I should ask the same questions of you. After all, I've not entered your house uninvited. But I'm a reasonable man. (counting off of his fingers) My name is Mortimer Ruehl. I came from Pittsburgh. I haven't. And what I want is none of your business -- (with emphasis) Yet! Also, the bathroom is at the top of the stairs, second door on the right. I don't want you to make a mess of the carpet. ROBIN: (looks at Douglas) better hurry on up there Douglas wouldn't want you to have another accident tonight. DR. RUEHL: Yes, please hurry - you know this rug has been in the family for generations and it has quite a history behind it. Would you like to hear about my family? Come Robin (not waiting for a response), let's go down the hallway while Douglas is using the bathroom and I will show you portraits of all the fascinating people that have inhabited this mansion over the past three centuries. ROBIN: Well, Mr. Ruehl I suppose that would be an interesting diversion from this awful stormy night. But it is kind of dark and creepy down that hallway. It kind of reminds me of a strange dream I have been having recently that wakes me up in the middle of the night, as a matter of fact I believe YOU were in that dream (jumps back in horror). DOUGLAS: (to ROBIN) I think maybe you ought to come with me. I don't think either of us should be alone with Mr. Ruehl until we know him better. DR. RUEHL: I think you have been watching too many slasher movies. DR. RHUEL watches as the interlopers nervously ascend the stairs to the second floor. When they are out of sight, he checks the pulse on the wrist of the occupied suite of armor, then raises the visor and examines the eyes of the unconcious man. He slams the visor back down as he hears the BERKES coming back down the stairs. He pulls a book out of the bookcase and sits down, pretending to be absorbed in reading the book. He doesn't notice that it's upside down. The BERKES enter from the stairway.

DOUGLAS: (speaking emphatically to ROBIN as they walk down the stairs ... so you see, it's not slasher movies but Rocky Horror that comes to mind. (Looks at DR. RUEHL, then in a horse whisper) or maybe Riff Raff. DOUGLAS: Did you watch Something Is Out There yesterday???? ROBIN: Absolutely. Never miss it. That and the Prisoner DOUGLAS: Jack and Ta'ra's mysteries definitely keep me entertained. Anything new happen to Number 6 lately???? ROBIN: No. He got brainwashed again trying to see if it was A, B or C. DOUGLAS: Keep me posted. (Robin leaves the room and Douglas gets a Playboy from his bag.) DR. RUEHL is clearly satisfied with what is going on. He puts the book down on a dusty end-table, and approaches DOUGLAS.

DR. RUEHL: (conversationally) Wasn't the pine pollen delicious this year? I really must stock up on rhombuses before the price gets too high. DOUGLAS: (friendly) Yes, the petunias are lovely, but don't you already have a septic system? DR. RUEHL: (smiling widely) Camping is fun, but robots can -- ROBIN runs back into the room, wild eyed and frightened. She goes over to DOUGLAS and shakes him.

ROBIN: (shouting) Douglas! Do you know what you sound like? Snap out of it! (seeing no response from him, she pleads) Come on, Doug, try to break free -- It must have been some sort of contact drug -- I only got a little of it, and it's worn off. Can't you see what he's done to you? DOUGLAS: (still oblivious) You're absolutely right, dear, those brea shoes are very comfortable. (turns to DR. RHUEL) Don't you think the corridor is warm enough? ROBIN slaps DOUGLAS a few times before he seems to notice.

DOUGLAS: (Angry) Hey, what's going on? Why are you slapping me? (suddenly worried) How did we get back down stairs? I don't remember leaving the bathroom. DR. RUEHL: (Muttering) Curses! DR. RUEHL sits down dejectedly, head in hands.

ROBIN: (Accusingly) He (points at DR. RUEHL) somehow drugged us. I must not have gotten a big enough dose, and I came out of it before he could do whatever evil thing he was planning with us! (she wheels around to face DR. RUEHL) What kind of monster are you? What were you going to do to us? DR. RUEHL continues to sit, head in hands. He doesn't look at her. He remains silent, though he rocks slightly back and forth. DOUGLAS is still disoriented, but notices the magazine in his hands, and looks at it questioningly.

ROBIN: (Almost screaming) Mister, I don't know what's going on, but you'd better tell me! Now! What did you do to us? What horrible plans do you have for us? (pauses) I'm talking to you. Don't pretend you don't here me! (a long pause, now she is screaming, almost in tears) Oh god! You're as bad as my husband! DR RUEHL slowly looks up. He's been crying. He looks at ROBIN and shakes his head sadly.

DR. RUEHL: You won't believe me if I tell you. It isn't what you are thinking. DOUGLAS starts leafing through the magazine, still confused.

ROBIN: Don't try to tell me that you DRUGGED us for our own good! You must be crazy -- As ROBIN delivers that line, DOUGLAS closes the magazine and for the first time sees the cover. His dazed state is suddenly gone. He interrupts, putting his hand on ROBIN's shoulder as he does so.

DOUGLAS: (interrupting, urgent) Robin! Look! ROBIN spins around to face DOUGLAS. She is livid. She glares at him, hands clenched into fists, knuckles white.

ROBIN: (angry) What do you want? (sarcasticly) More toothpaste for your potato chips? DOUGLAS shakes his head and shoves the magazine at her.

DOUGLAS: (pleading) Just look at the cover, Robin. Please? ROBIN, still angry, snatches the magazine out of DOUGLAS's hand and looks at it. She starts to say something, but only gets a sylable or two out before her mind registers what her eyes are seeing on the magazine cover. She stares at it for a moment, her shoulders droop, and she drops the magazine to the floor.

ROBIN: (softly, shaken, to DOUGLAS) I, I, I.. Douglas looks at her, his expression unreadable. ROBIN slowly turns around to face DR. RUEHL.

ROBIN: (sadly, not hostile, to DR. RUEHL) You'd better tell us just what's going on here. I'm almost ready to believe you. After that (points toward the magazine laying on the floor) I can pretty much believe anything. ROBIN carefully guides herself to a straight-back chair, visibly shaken, and slowly lowers herself on to it. Her features have softened. DOUGLAS, his expression still unreadable, steps behind the chair and puts his hands on ROBIN's shoulders. She does not shake them off. DR. RUEHL looks up and sighs. He straightens somewhat and takes a few deep breaths.

DR. RUEHL: (carefully) It's not easy to explain. It's so hard to figure out where to start. The beginning may be a bad place to start, since none of this makes any sense until recent events are understood. (pauses for a response, and gets none) I'll do my best, but this isn't going to be easy for you to understand or believe. How much do you know about cosmology? Quantum physics? Electro-dynamics? (brief pause) Theology? ROBIN: A lot. more than you know. You had something to tell me DR. RUEHL: I am going to transfer you to a place called The Village. You will be escorted by Number 2. ROBIN: Will i have a number??? DR. RUEHL: Yes. You are number 6. Keep in mind, Number 2 will watch your every move. The Village is strict and will not tolerate a bastard. The lights go out and the Act is over.

Setting: As Robin wakes up in a room, She wonders where she is, Gas has erased her memory and she opens a shade to a window

She enters a door marked Central Command.

ROBIN: Where am I????? DOUGLAS enters from an unmarked door. DR RUEHL follows.

DR. RUEHL: I believe I can answer your question. (pauses) Kansas. DOUGLAS: (explaining) Actually, we're in the basement of the mansion. The drug hadn't worn off -- its effect had been delayed. When you calmed down enough to listen to Mortimer's explaination, you started hallucinating. In fact, you're still hallucinating. DR. RUEHL: (urgently) Do you remember anything at all? If so, what is the last thing you remember? It is important that I know if I'm to help you. ROBIN is disoriented. She steadies herself against a console of some sort. DOUGLAS steps forward to help her.

ROBIN: (shakes her head, then to DOUGLAS) The last thing I remember is going up to the bathroom with you. I don't remember getting there, just walking up the stairs. (pauses) I think, now -- No that must have been an hallucination. There is no way that THAT could have happened. (pause, then alarmed) What do you mean DRUGGED? And angry? I remember that, but it couldn't have happened. It couldn't...... (trails off to silence) The lights gradually change from stark, bright, high-contrast lights that give the appearance of black-and-white to softer, colorful lighting. Features of the room previously not noticable become obvious. The control console is an old polygraph machine. There are some small empty cages along the back wall of the room. Through the window of a door is seen, in reverse (since we are reading it from the wrong side), "Department Of Entropy". Another door is marked "Unauthorized Personel Only Beyond This Point". Piled about the room are old pizza boxes, soda cans, and other detritus. The place looks like a college student's apartment...

DR. RUEHL: Please allow me to explain. DR. RUEHL clears two chairs of their stacks of pizza boxes, checking one for edible remains, and tosses the boxes on top of the polygraph machine. He then motions to ROBIN and DOUGLAS to take a seat, which they do. He then rips a length of chart paper from the polygraph machine and tapes it to the back wall, pulls out a marking pen, and prepares himself to begin a lecture.

ROBIN: Did the magazine cover actually show -- DR. RUEHL: You are in a place called the Village. You are being strongly supervised by Number 2. Be careful of what you do. Anything illegal will have you in deep water with the Rovers. Stay calm. Be seeing You. DR. RUEHL: (interrupting) yes. It did. I know it seems impossible, but once I explain it you may be able to understand what has happened and what it all means. Please be patient. Before you went psychotic, I asked you how much you knew about Cosmology, Quantum Physics, Electro-dynamics, and Theology. I shuold have also added philosophy and phillology. A background in pharmacology wouldn't be wasted either. DOUGLAS and ROBIN are startled, as DR. RUEHL seems to be speaking with two voices at once, each talking about different things. One is clearly nonsense, while the other might explain much -- unfortunately nobody can tell which is which.

DOUGLAS: (To DR. RUEHL) What's going on? How did you do that? What are you trying to say? Do we have to know this for the test? Evil laughter and some loud metallic noises, as in the bolting and riveting of a metal door, are heard from off stage. The characters all look alarmed.

ROBIN: What was that? DOUGLAS: Oh god, what's happening? DR. RUEHL: Not again!!!? DR. RUEHL runs off stage through the door marked "Unauthorized Personel Only Beyond This Point", the door closes behind him. From off stage can be heard footsteps on a long staircase, fading into the distance, then silence. ROBIN turns and looks at DOUGLAS.

ROBIN: What's going on? What happened to us when we went upstairs in that old house? How did we get here? And how could the cover of that magazine say -- DOUGLAS: (interrupting) Robin, calm down. That man is a scientist. We're in one of his labs in a sub-basement of the old mansion. When you were raving about "Number 2", and not being a number, Dr. Ruehl started to explain to me what was going on. He got as far as to tell me that the psychotic effect was caused by a gas which comes from some caves beneath the estate. His theory is that the gas disconnects the verbal centers of the brain and reconnects them to the motor/spacial centers.... He was going to explain what this meant when you suddenly got up, screamed something about not telling why you resigned, and ran down here. We followed and found you here. I'm not convinced that Mortimer, that is, Dr. Ruehl, is as unaffected by the gas as he claims to be, and that he is more than a little psychotic himself. I am humoring him, hoping he will let us go. I suggest you do the same. ROBIN: But the magazine cover -- How could it -- ROBIN: (looking into the corner) What is this!? (Grabs a small black object) Hrmmm... It looks like some sort of..(mouth agape and gazing at Douglas) Its..Its.. From the distance off stage, footsteps can be heard coming down a long staircase, more slowly than the previous ones. They get gradually louder as DOUGLAS delivers his next line.

DOUGLAS: (Glaring angrily at Robin) Hey I heard you the first time! There is no need to keep blathering on about that..thing you have there. (Snatching the black object from Robin) Hey! I haven't seen one of these since that time when... DR. RUEHL: (From the distance) I...wouldn't...toy...with..that! Its a very sophisticated...AARAARRRRRRGGHHH!!!! (Screams of agony fade into the distance.) ROBIN: Huh? Why are you yelling? What does your fetid imagination think I did this time? I think you're a bit bonkers yourself. ROBIN snatches the object back from DOUGLAS. As she does so, DR. RUEHL walks calmly in through the door marked "Department Of Entropy".

ROBIN: (to DR. RUEHL) What happened out there? What was all that shouting and clanging about? DR. RUEHL: ROBIN toys with the dark object. DR. RUEHL notices it and runs over and takes it from her. Before ROBIN can object, he somehow makes it vanish. DOUGLAS: (in a horse whisper) Uh, I think you're reading the stage directions... Your line starts "Where did you find that? I've been looking for it for ages..." DR. RUEHL: (whispering) Sorry... ROBIN toys with the dark object. DR. RUEHL notices it and runs over and takes it from her. Before ROBIN can object, he somehow makes it vanish.

DR. RUEHL: Where did you find that? I've been looking for it for ages! The noise was some clown wearing an old suit of armor falling down the stairs. As far as the shouting goes, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm hungry. Anybody want some pizza? ROBIN: (taken aback) Pizza? (looks around at the piles of old, mostly empty, pizza boxes) Ugh. I don't think so. DOUGLAS: No, no. We aren't hungry. What's going on? We most definitely heard you shouting about something! DR. RUEHL: Don't be rediculous! (cheerfully) So pizza it is. Anchovies and pinapple okay? (doesn't wait for an answer) Good. That's my favorite! Without waiting for any sort of response, DR. RUEHL exits through the "Dept. of Entropy" door. ROBIN begins to say something to DOUGLAS, when suddenly DR. RUEHL opens and comes through the door marked "Unauthorized Personel Only Beyond This Point". His clothes are somewhat dirtied with a few tears, and he is favoring one leg. He looks hurried and anxious.

DR. RUEHL: (frightened, but assertive) It's worse than I thought. We've got to get out of this place immediately, if not sooner. I won't say "don't panic", because panicing may be our only hope! ROBIN and DOUGLAS stare at DR. RUEHL in disbelief.

ROBIN: Wait a minute! You were just here calm as can be, talking about pizza, and you left through the other door. Not three seconds later, you come storming back in through that door all upset and tell us that things are awful and we must get out of here. Not that I don't want to get out of here, but what the hell is going on? DR. RUEHL: I wasn't in this room -- I was trying to prevent a catastrophe of unimaginable proportion, and I've failed. Don't argue with me, we've got to get out of here NOW! Follow me! DOUGLAS begins to say something, but thinks better of it. DR. RUEHL leads the other two through the door marked "Department of Entropy". Some sounds are heard, an anguished cry from DR. RUEHL, and the three reenter the room, DR. RUEHL is the last one through and he slams the door and bolts it. ROBIN and DOUGLAS head for the other door.

DR. RUEHL: Stop! We can't go that way! There is another way out! I just hope we have enough time left! DR. RUEHL kicks aside a tall pile of pizza boxes, lifts a trap door lid off the floor, and climbs down through the floor. DOUGLAS moves to follow, but DR. RUEHL's head comes back out of the hole as he is climbing out. He is carrying a large cardboard box. On the side of the box is printed "Transmogrifier", which is crudely crossed out with the word "Time Machine" written under it. This too is crossed out, and below that is written in crude letters "Deus Ex Machina". DOUGLAS and ROBIN huddle together in fear and disbelief.

End Act 1

Click here to see Act Two.